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Our Progress


Our Programs

We create lasting change through Rural Healthcare development, Women
Empowerment, and rescuing and rehabilitating abused and abandoned animals.

Old Village Man
"Anecdotes from the MIssion Khusiyan- a health and socio-economic census development Program for Udham Singh Nagar in words of then Uttarakhand Chief Minister 

Our Partners

We are grateful to our partners for their continued support in our mission

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Our Programs


Mobile Medical Units

Addressing health challenges from diagnosis to treatment

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Senior Well: Comprehensive Care for the Elderly

Providing healthcare and empathetic support for elderly in need


Community health awareness programs

preventive healthcare education and awareness

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Rescue & Rehabilitation

Addressing health challenges from diagnosis to treatment

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Spay and Neuter Programs

Providing healthcare and empathetic support for elderly in need


Adoption Program

preventive healthcare education and awareness

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